Attracting Mourning Doves to Bird Feeders - Which Feeder is Best?
Attracting Mourning Doves to Bird Feeders - Which Feeder is Best?
Attracting Mourning Doves, sometimes called just Doves or Rock Pigeons, etc..., is an easy activity. Doves are year round residents throughout most of the US and summer in southern Canada as well. It is a popular bird found at most feeding stations, typically in small flocks. Getting doves to feed at a station is simple and they are regulars at most all. Getting them to feed FROM a feeder is another story though. Not that they won't use a feeder but their size typically restricts them from landing on or even setting on one.

We are asked two questions here regarding doves. First is: "How do I deter doves from my yard?" I personal love the doves and cannot figure out why people don't want them and that's a whole different article. The other, and more popular question, is: "How do I attract the mourning dove?" Doves are a natural ground feeding bird. Watch them for a short while and you will see they are rather content milling around on the ground picking up whatever gets kicked from your feeders. After talking to a customer for a few minutes, we find that most people are actually asking us how to get doves ON a feeder or what is the best feeder for a dove? That's a different story all together.
Doves are a large and clumsy bird. Having one land on your feeder is like having a jumbo jet land on a sea going aircraft carrier. Matter of fact, each scenario looks similar to one another in their landing patterns. Like an airplane, a dove tends to glide into a feeder wavering left and right, up and down. So, if you desire the idea of having doves ON your feeders, you will need large feeders. Our largest feeder is actually named the Mourning Dove Series and for good reason. It's BIG in all ways. The extra room provided by a large hopper feeder or a medium to large fly-through will provide enough room for a dove to navigate its way onto one. We also offer what is known as a seed catcher tray. It's a large flat platform feeder that is designed to set underneath pole mounted feeders and adds a great deal or "real estate" to any feeding station.
If you seriously want doves to feed from your feeder, I recommend setting up a medium to large fly-through feeder. It allows for a good quantity of seed and gives the doves plenty of landing room. If you desire a hopper style feeder, pick the largest one your budget will allow and look for a feeder with a base platform having extra room around the hopper. The more area you offer the dove, the more successful it will be in landing. Adding a seed catcher tray will positively contribute to your success rate due to its oversized "landing pad." Once your doves are upon the feeder, they will be more than happy to hang around for long periods of time.
One other thing. When you set up a dove feeder, set up a pole or post mounted one. Hanging feeders tend to swing in the breeze and make a difficult landing situation for the bird, especially a hopper style feeder since the landing area is much smaller. A hanging feeder will also swing more wildly when the large and heavy bird makes its landing.
Feeding mourning doves will add a great deal of joy to your birding world. They typically stay around for long periods of time allowing you to enjoy them more than most other birds. They will still feed from the ground no matter what you do. So in effect, they will be acting as little house cleaners too. The less seed on the ground, the less you have to pick up. I highly recommend catering to this great bird and in doing so, you will be reward with countless hours of enjoyment from their subtle beauty and easy going, calm mannerisms.
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Current Health Articles on Second Hand Smoking
Current Health Articles on Second Hand Smoking
Getting rid of habits like smoking is not easy. However, people are becoming aware of the dangers of second hand smoke and are trying to keep their families away from these dangers by smoking near a window of the house or by opening all the doors and windows for better ventilation. Current health articles have mentioned very specific that this does not really function as even the slightest residual of smell in the air can affect other people and specially children.

Many people are aware of the dangers of second hand smoke, however, they are not aware of the deep effects; even the smallest of residual of that smoke that sticks to your clothes and furniture is also very harmful.
Current health articles also have mentioned that since this is such a great problem, it will be a very good idea to create a better awareness among smokers to find better ways to protect those around them to avoid the problems that they are already having. Another important fact that current health articles have mentioned also is that the children of parents that smoke are most likely to smoke themselves in their adolescent years only.
Current health articles have reported that there is no risk free level of tobacco exposure and that the smoke of tobacco contains chemicals that can create all kinds of cancers. And the worse news is that the chemicals get more concentrated in second hand smoke.
Current health articles advice for people to be extremely cautious about second hand smoke. It is very important for parents to think about quitting smoking, however, it is also understood that this is not possible so easily. Therefore there are certain measures that you can take to avoid second hand smoking especially for your children.
If you are a smoker and you have children at home, smoke outside of your house. That is the only way to avoid them from coming in contact with the deadly chemicals which will affect their health in the long run. Current health articles also advice to avoid smoking where there are pregnant women, since this is also a dangerous way of getting your future children at risk of contaminates.
Don't smoke on your car. Even if you are alone, the smoke will stick to the materials in the car and even though you may not think, the chemicals will still be there when others come and sit in the same car. This is the extent to which the chemicals are able to linger in the atmosphere and that is why it is very important to take proper precautions.
Some current health articles also advice for you as a parent to make sure that your children are going to places that are 100 percent smoke free.
Once the awareness of the effects of second hand smoke is properly understood by all, it will definitely be easier to adopt a philosophy where people and specially children are protected from these harmful chemicals.
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Why Do We Use Statistics?
Why Do We Use Statistics?
Psychology is an empirical discipline, so we gather information to answer our question. Most of the time, this information goes by the name data and most of the time it involves numbers. If we study a large group of people (rats, Pigeons, etc.), we generate a lot of information and we have to make sense of it. The most common way of reducing the number of data so we are not swamped with too much information is to find the average score.There are several distinct averages, each computed differently.

The common averages are the mean and median, and the mode. The most frequently used is the mean, which is the technical term for the score you obtain by adding all your numbers and dividing by the number of scores you added. In every day language, most people use the word average to reflect the mean .Sometimes we also want to find out whether the scores are bunched together or spread apart, so we find the standard deviation. Together,these two statistics gives us a sense of the typical score ( the average ) and how far from the typical score we can expect other scores to be (the standard deviation).
A second use of statistics is to allow us to evaluate the similarities and differences of groups. So if we have a group of, say, 100 measurements from one group and 100 measurements from another group, we can compute two numbers for each group, the mean (the average score) and the standard deviation (an indicator of the spread of the scores),
If you make clear to your reader why you are using a particular statistics, you will be helping your reader to understand the points you are making.
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When Bird Allergy Flies Your Way
When Bird Allergy Flies Your Way
Bird allergy is a normal reaction of your body's immune system to the feather dander, or more popularly known as feather dust, and droppings or fecal matter coming out of birds.

People who work closely with birds and those who take care of birds as pets are the most at risk to develop bird allergy. Farm workers, bird fanciers and zookeepers are the most common bird allergy patients in hospitals in the US alone.
However, medical statistics reveal that globally, the ratio of people allergic to birds are far lower compared to those allergic to other animals like dogs and cats.
Be also aware that bird allergy is an allergic reaction that indicates the immune system's efforts to defend you from what it senses or perceives as a health threat. In reality, bird allergy should not be considered as a harmful or deadly disease. Take note that complications to bird allergy kill, not the bird allergy itself.
During the process of an on set of bird allergy, the feather dust becomes an allergen that is not wanted by the body's system. When it manages to make a contact with your body, it will automatically trigger or cause the immune system to retaliate and produce antibodies or counter substances. Hence, you have the symptoms.
Symptoms of bird allergy
People with bird allergies exhibit manifestations or symptoms that are sometimes similar to those for hay fever or allergic rhinitis. It is alarming to know that most of the time, people with this allergy often ignore the onset of the symptoms thinking that these are just petty reaction to some weather or dust elements.
Symptoms for bird allergies can be divided into two groups. One, those symptoms that are considered lesser or less severe. These include watery eyes, sneezing, postnatal drips, sore throat, stuffy nose, coughing, hives itchy eyes and allergic shiners or the presence of black circles in the area below the eyes.
For the more serious form of bird allergies, the symptoms may vary. Take note that suffering from a severe attack of bird allergy can reduce your lung's capacity, that may potentially pose a detriment not just to your health but also to your life.
Such symptoms may appear in a long term like two years of regular or constant exposure to allergy-causing birds like budgies and Pigeons. In some cases, bird allergy appears after as long as 10 to 20 years after initial exposure to allergens.
Such cases are determined by finding the following symptoms in a patient: prolonged coughing, breathing difficulties occasions, occasional fever and chills, weight loss and dry cough that lasts for some time.
How is bird allergy treated?
Usually, your doctor will have to delve deeper into your medical records to determine or to make sure the disease is pin pointed at bird allergy.
Take note that most or basic symptoms of bird allergy are minor and therefore needs no further and serious medical treatment. Just like other allergies, bird allergy can disappear on its own without the help of any drug or treatment.
Avoiding or discontinuing exposure to allergens, in this case the birds and their feathers, will surely help cease the bird allergy attack.
Physicians often prescribe antihistamines, decongestants and corticosteroids to relieve the person from a bird allergy attack. Antihistamines block symptoms to allergic reactions, not just to birds, but also to all forms of allergies.
Decongestants relieve swelling of the nasal area and stops secretion of mucus or the stuff that runs through your nose when you have a bad cols. Corticosteroids are drugs that treat inflammation due to allergic and other medical reactions.
Allergy shots, of course, will also greatly help to curtail the onset of bird allergy.
The most effective measure to avoid bird allergy, if ever you are allergic to birds, is to avoid getting near these animals. Hygiene is the best combative defense against any form of diseases and will also be effective in fighting attacks of bird allergy.
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Charles Darwin For Kids
Charles Darwin For Kids
Some people have described Charles Darwin as the "father of modern biology". Whether this is true or not, is of course a matter of opinion, but it is certainly true that Darwin's idea, of evolution by natural selection, is one of (arguably the main) the key foundation stones of modern biological sciences.

The year 2009 marks the bicentennial anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth in 1809, and as a result there are currently many celebrations and commemorations of Darwin's life and work going on. Is however a great pity is that among the general public, although many people have heard of Charles Darwin and know that he has something to do with the theory of evolution, many do not know really know what his work was about.
Many people wrongly believe that the theory of evolution attempts to explain the origin of life, and that Darwin was the creator of this theory. Neither of these is true. The theory of evolution is not about how life first appeared (this is a different field of study known as "abiogenesis"), but rather is about how successive generations of organisms change over time. Additionally, Darwin was by no means the first person to propose an evolutionary theory, or even the transmutation of species (how one species evolves into another), but rather was responsible for providing a mechanism and an explanation (known as "natural selection") by which evolutionary processes work.
The main concept behind natural selection is actually surprisingly simple (although it does have complex and fascinating implications) - that organisms with heritable traits that are helpful to successful reproduction, will tend to predominate over organisms without such beneficial heritable traits, and thus, over successive generations, beneficial heritable traits will tend to become more common in any population. To explain this concept, Darwin used an analogy of selective breeding - pigeon breeders, over just a few centuries, have been able to produce a great variety of different domestic Pigeons by selecting for particular heritable traits - and similarly he argued that nature, over many millions of years, could produce a great variety of different organisms, by its own form of selection.
Among some religious people, Darwin's ideas, and even the idea of evolution, remains highly controversial. Among the scientific community, the principle of evolution, as well as related facts such as the great antiquity of the Earth, were already commonplace by Darwin's time. Darwin's theory of evolutionary (namely natural selection), however was for many years only one several competing evolutionary theories - it was only by the 1930s, when Darwin's ideas were combined with those of Gregor Mendel in what is known as the "modern synthesis", that it began to be recognized that natural selection was indeed the driving force behind evolution.
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How to Stop Birds Eating Your Tomatoes
How to Stop Birds Eating Your Tomatoes
It is always fun to grow your own tomato plants, so when it is time to harvest, you pick the ripe fruits and prepare some marvelous delicacies with it. What is not fun is to put in so much hard work into growing your own tomatoes and then realizing that birds are enjoying it before you even get to them! If this has happened to you, then this information is right for you. You can try one or two tips mentioned below to keep these birds away so the fruits are eaten by their rightful owners.

Lightweight bird netting is one of the options you can use to keep these birds from reaching your fruits. However, make sure to consider one thing. Birds have sharp beaks and they can use it to poke at the netting if the openings are big. So, make sure to get very fine netting and just drape it over the tomato plants. You could use the stakes you planted for supporting your plant to protect it also. These stakes can be used to create a tent over the plant, however, make sure it reaches the ground so the birds cannot go under the plant and destroy your fruits.
Certain sound devices can be used to deter birds such as Pigeons and woodpeckers. Choose a sound device that varies in frequency, duration, and sequence. The device will be more effective if it features the sounds of both predators and birds in distress. These features in your bird repellant sound device will make sure they do not get used to one particular sound repeated over and over again and keep them away from your plants for good.
Some people hang red Christmas bulbs on the plants. How does that help? Well, birds think that these are tomatoes and peck at them but when they are not able to feed on these 'fake' tomatoes, they will give up and leave.
Shiny objects can also be used for keeping birds away. CDs or any other material that shines can be put all around your tomato garden to scare the birds. However, they can get used to these objects being there and after some time may realize they are not dangerous at all. So, keep moving them around so they think that they really are things that can hurt them.
Certain visual devices such as plastic owls or scarecrows can also protect your tomato plant. However, here you should keep moving it around, so the birds think that it is a real threat to their safety. Iridescent bird foil can be cut off into strips and placed on fence posts or tree tops. When these strips blow in the wind and catch sunlight, it changes colors and patterns along with producing a metallic rattle. So, it works both as a visual as well as a sound deterrent for the birds.
No one wants their tomatoes to be eaten up by birds before they are ripe. So, you can also harvest them before they are ripe and place them on a sunny window sill to ripen for 2-3 days. This way you get to save it from the birds and use it cook some delicious recipes.
So, if birds are eating up your tomatoes, its time to take some action. Use one of these tips and protect your precious fruits.
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How to Get Rid of Cats From Your Property
How to Get Rid of Cats From Your Property
Getting rid of cats from your property can be very simple, you don't have to harm the cat, a one time effective treatment and the cat will never return again. Their are many products available to stop cats from entering your property, these include motion activated water sprinkler, if a cat hates anything more than a dog, it's water.

A dog is another obvious choice, unless you don't like dogs, then this may not an option. Dogs are the arch enemy to the cat, everyone in the world knows that once a cats being chased by a dog, it will never return to that area again.
Plants may not be an obvious choice as a cat repellent, but some plants like the Coleus Canina actually work as an effective barrier against cats. The Coleus Canina emits a foul smell thats cats don't like. This can work great, but unless you plant a lot of these over a large area, this choice of repellent can be inafective.
Lion Poo, is also supposed to work as an effective treatment. I know it sounds crazy, but this can actually work. Lots of Zoos will let you take this away for free, with some charging a very small amount of money. I suggest that this might be a last resort, it sounds very extreme, but in some cases where people have tried everything and nothing has worked, this might be their only chance of getting cats out of their property.
Their are many chemical products that can be purchased from many online retailers and local pet shops, this also maybe a last resort. If the cat is your neighbors, this might cause some friction between you and them, so please take caution when using any non natural products.
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Racing Pigeon Feed - What You Should Be Adding To Your Pigeon Feed To Increase Their Speed
Racing Pigeon Feed - What You Should Be Adding To Your Pigeon Feed To Increase Their Speed
Water and Honey in Racing pigeon racing pigeon racing Pigeon Feed

Every fancier who wishes to keep up with the modern advances in racing pigeon feed, will make use of glucose-sugar. Glucose - the food for the muscles before the season and after the race, helps the birds to recuperate faster. If the birds are basketed on Friday, then on Wednesday and Thursday add 2 teaspoons full of glucose-sugar to each quart of drinking water. On their return from the race, for one day, add two or three teaspoons full of glucose-sugar to each quart of their drinking water every time your racing Pigeons feed. On the next day, clean the drinkers and serve fresh water. When we use tea, after it has cooled off, you may add some glucose-sugar to it.
Some fanciers use sugar cubes (6 to a quart of water), or crystal sugar, using one tablespoonful to a quart of water.
We prefer glucose as part of their racing pigeon feed because it is easier to use, and with us, it has given the best results.
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Pigeon Nest Boxes - Simple Tips To Give Your Birds A Box They Will Love
Pigeon Nest Boxes - Simple Tips To Give Your Birds A Box They Will Love
Pigeon nest boxes have come about as a replica of how our Pigeons Loft.

However, if you want to make each of the pigeon nest boxes a separate unit, then you have the added advantage that they can be easily removed for cleaning and fumigation. Also, if you're tight on space, you can remove them and give your birds more room when they're not breeding.
Each of the pigeon nest boxes must be fitted with a suitable front that allows the birds some privacy, as well as allowing you get prevent other birds from entering and interfering with the pairing or the young birds.
It is recommended that you provide a small shelf, about seven or eight inches from the floor of the box, on which to place the nest bowl itself. This gives extra protection to the youngsters when they first leave the nest.
The number of nests in the loft depends on how many Pigeons Loft. It's best to return them to their nest box by hand each night for a week to ten days afterward, to be certain that they are well established. Allowing Pigeons to select their own boxes usually results in a great many fights, broken eggs, and injured youngsters.
Above all, pigeon nest boxes should be comfortable for your Pigeons, as the happier they are in them, the happier they will be to lay!
Carbohydrates and Racing Pigeons
Carbohydrates and Racing Pigeons
It's the time of year when we can light the stove in the evening again. That is the woodstove or the fireplace rather than the central heating system. Cozy, those dancing flames in the living room. In order the light the fireplace first I have to gather some kindling, kindling lights easily and burns quickly. Later we add bigger pieces of hardwood. Sometimes these big pieces of wood don't even fit in the stove. Reluctantly, I put on my coat to go outside and chop and cut these large pieces into smaller ones. When cut to the proper size the will fit into the stove.

Actually our bodies are a type of stove, which keeps us warm. The fire wood can be made up of carbohydrates, proteins, or fats. Above all, carbohydrates are fast acting fuels. They can be compared to the kindling we use to start the fireplace. Carbohydrates are sugars, which originate in large quantities in plants. They are produced during the process of photosynthesis. The bodies of humans or animals can only burn monosacharides. These occur in glucose (grape sugar), fructose (fruit sugar), ribose (sugar made up of 5 carbon atoms) and galactose (made up of glucose and part lactose).
Besides warmth these sugars also provide nourishment for the brain. Without this glucose syrup our beloved Pigeons Loft with three sections. Section 1was fed a normal breeding mix. Section 2 was fed 80% corn and 20% breeding mix. Section 3 was fed 80% peeled rice and peeled barley (pearl barley) + 20% breeding mix. The birds were all exercised together. The Pigeons Loft. The corn Pigeons fly much higher and the "rice and pearl barley" looked like dots in the sky. There were three layers of Pigeons flying at different heights. After half an hour to 45 minutes the "corn" pigeons were flying the highest.
When we switched the breeding mix section over to the "corn mix", we saw that after a few days they were the ones flying the highest after 45 minutes. We kept rotating the feed mixes between sections. The results were always as we have written above. From this we can conclude the following that the energy (fuel) provided by corn becomes available later then the energy out of white rice and peeled barley and that corn apparently is made up of more types of polysaccharides then white rice. Perhaps this explains, why pigeons that are to be sent to longer races, usually have extra corn added to their diets.
All these forms of sugar together are called glycogen. When energy is used in the stove the wood turns black and what is left over is called ash. When the bird uses energy the same type of process takes place. It is called phosphorylyse. The enzyme that catalyzes the phosphorylyse process breaks the Alfa - 1, 4 linkages down. These are the "Kindling" carbohydrates. For this process vitamin B6 is necessary. Glycogen is found in the liver and muscles.
During the races
During heavy exertion humans use up 60% carbohydrates, pigeons are different. The liver produces glycogen in order to keep the body warm. If we feed more glucose and glycogen then the daily needs of the pigeon, then the liver also can manufacture fatty acids from them. The blood transports these fatty acids to the red muscle fibers. A portion of the glycogen is transported by the blood to the white muscle fibers. A pigeon has approximately 15% white muscle fiber and 85% red muscle fiber. That is much more than a chicken that has practically all white muscle fiber. We can find many red muscle fibers in the breast of the pigeon.
If we make sure that just before the contest proportionally a high percentage of glucose is found in the glycogen then the fuel will burn faster. Also the liver will produce more fatty acids. This is the result of a makes sense.
Actually it only provides a small advantage on short races. After 10 minutes the fuel in the white muscle fiber in the breast is used up. The fuel stored in the white muscle fiber (glycogen) is used by the pigeon to reach flying height and speed. After this it uses the fast sugars "kindling" (Alfa- 1, 4 linkages) stored in the blood and liver are used. When the glucose is depleted then the enzymes process the Disaccharides and finally, the Polysaccharides are split and turned into monosacharides.
When "fast sugars" are all used up then the fatty acids that were built up by the excess sugars in the feed, which the liver turned into fatty acids become the fuel supply. Some of these are still present in the blood. They were on way to the red muscle fibers but had not yet been stored there. These will be used first.
After a short period of time the fatty acids stored in the red muscle fibers come into play. After 40 to 60 minutes of flying the pigeon is using the fatty acids stored in the red muscle fibers exclusively. Fats have the advantage of leaving little waste in the blood stream after being burned as fuel, although they burn slower than glycogen. The pigeon can fly fastest (wing beats per minute) on glycogen, but the fatty acids deliver more energy. Fats are 9.2 kilocalories per kilogram whereas carbohydrates are 4.0 kilocalories per kilogram.
The wood box
When the pigeon is using fats as its fuel and a bird of prey comes along then the pigeon will use any available glycogen (Alfa 1, 6 linkages) in order to quickly get away. These are what we could call "kindling" in the wood box. It is ready for use whenever we quickly need to light the stove again.
After the race
The pigeon uses firstly glucose and glycogen (the Alfa 1, 4 linkage), after that the fats. When the bird has used all its fatty acids then it will use any remaining glycogen (the Alfa 1, 6 linkages). When these are depleted then the pigeon will begin to use it "character". That is, it starts to use its own body; it burns its own muscles, the protein. There are many pigeons with little character. These will go down to rest and look for water and food. If they still come home it will be much too late. The "character birds" keep going. Burning protein or muscle is paired with muscle cramps and is very unpleasant for the pigeon. A pigeon that goes through this often will need weeks to recuperate.
Feeding carbohydrate rich food after a race is very important. The pigeon having used all its glycogen has a need to rapidly relight its stove
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What Can I Do to Stop My Dog Biting Himself Until He Bleeds
What Can I Do to Stop My Dog Biting Himself Until He Bleeds
What can you do to stop your dog biting himself until he bleeds? The first step must be in finding out WHY he's doing this. And to examine all the possible sources, to put all your prejudices aside, all your preconceived ideas, and be completely open to the cause. If you are right, this will be borne out by startling improvements.

The first thing to accept is that your dog is itchy. But this itch has gone past the normal irritation stage, to self mutilation. So the itch has become intolerable.
Now for a quick diversion into the natural process of disease. When a body is overburdened by toxins, the safest way to eliminate them is through the skin. This means all manner of skin disorders can develop. Unsightly or irritating though they may be, they cause the least harm to the body.
So what could be the cause of your dog's toxic overload?
Primarily his food, but also any medication.
Most commercial dog food is made up of low grade meat (usually meat by-products), fat, cheap fillers and chemical additives. The chemical additives include colourants, appetite stimulants, isolated and synthetic 'nutrients' (in an attempt to address the poor nutrition) and preservatives, despite claims to the contrary.
By making a switch to a home-prepared quality, raw meat and bones diet, initially things may worsen. This rarely lasts more than a few days. It's an essential part of the process as it's a quick dumping of toxins.
Then things start to improve.
Your dog may still have a skin condition, but now he isn't so itchy, so doesn't constantly scratch and bite at himself. In time, the skin will improve and then the whole problem will be a thing of the past.
How much better is it to resolve the cause, than to simply mask up the effects?
And by using the powerful but gentle complete natural modality of health care, homeopathy, you can replace the need for toxic drugs for future health concerns.
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How to Breed Champion Racing Pigeons
3 Woodwork Ideas to Get You Started
If you are having a mental block, which hinder you from coming up with some new woodwork ideas, then you should read about these 3 woodwork ideas. Event though these ideas are pretty simple, but there are useful and these woodwork ideas will get you started with your woodworking projects.
Idea No 1: Bird Feeder
If you love birds and you like seeing them in your gardens or yards, then among the best methods to encourage them to come to your gardens or yards is to supply them with food in some safe places. I am sure that you could easily and quickly build a simple bird feeder without having much thought about it. Bear in mind though, you could make your bird feeder more practical or more ornate for birds. Perhaps you could include closely spaced bars to prevent bigger birds such as Pigeons Loft of Pigeons. You should remember that this is all about getting woodwork ideas, as such you should think beyond the norm and you should try looking for something which is interesting and creative.
Idea No 3: Dog House
Have you ever notice that each and every dog kennel have a tendency to look exactly like any other dog kennel. Strange isn't it? And why is this so? Why not provide your dog with a more interesting and creative dog house. If you really put your mind into it, I am very sure that you will be able to create a dog house which is more creative and different from other dog houses. If your dog is staying indoors, a dog house may be redundant, but how about building a spot for your dog in your house which can double up as a shelve or something. All you need to do is just to think outside the box.
I sure hope that the above woodwork ideas will got you thinking. Bear in mind that your best ideas shall hardly ever be your very first idea, as such take the above 3 woodwork ideas and then spend some of your time finding ways how to make good use of them in your workshop.
Racing Pigeons Using The Natural System
Racing Pigeons Loft if you have a pigeon racing pigeon racing Pigeons allows for fanciers to play with different variables to see what makes each individual bird race best. Treating each bird as an individual and keen observation are the two big factors in the Natural System. A fancier who spends time with the birds, discovering what times they are in best form will do the best come race day.
Mountain Loft Resorts in Gatlinburg, TN
Mountain Loft Resorts is a timeshare resort but is open to the public. The units are either condo units or chalet homes. The property is well kept and the club house hosts a bevy of activities. The Mountain Loft Resorts is located about one mile about Gatlinburg in the mountains.
The different options that are available for lodging at the Mountain Loft Resorts make this a great choice when traveling with family or large groups. Some of the property rentals can hold up to twelve people. There are a lot of older units, and some brand new units - but each of them are nice and will provide you with the perfect backdrop for your Gatlinburg trip by offering every amenity of home. Full kitchens, multiple bathrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, porches or balconies - you can find a number of amenities depending on whether it is a house or a condo.
There are three pools, tennis court, basketball court and hiking trails everywhere. The club house has scheduled activities for all age groups each day, and Mount Loft Resorts provides a great place for the kids to be entertained for a few hours; you're not as likely to hear the classic "I'm bored" mantra. There are arts and crafts classes, friendly competition in bingo and other fun games. There are water activities for the children and plenty of outdoor structured activities as well.
The close proximity to Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge is an added bonus. Any time of year there are many activities and attractions available in both towns. In Gatlinburg there is the Ripley's Aquarium and the Ripley's Believe it Or Not Museum and the Guinness Book of World Records Museum both museums house and amazing number to artifacts. There are shops and restaurants throughout each town. Pigeon Forge is home to Dollywood Amusement Park and Dollywood Water Park as well as the Dolly Parton Dixie Stampede Dinner Show. Hotel accommodations in Gatlinburg are typically more affordable than those in Pigeon Force - which is why many families choose to lodge in Gatlinburg and then commute to Pigeon Forge for various activities. The drive is not long but it is quite scenic - so staying in Gatlinburg and driving to Dollywood or other attractions can be quite pleasant and just add to the trip itself.
The Great Smokey Mountain National Park offers guided tours for the naturalist, and backpacking tours, horseback riding and white water rafting trips through the park can be arranged with one of the vendors in Pigeon Forge.
Both Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge host festivals and seasonal activities throughout the year. These towns offer all the advantages of any metropolitan area, except they are tucked away nicely into the mountains and have that warm southern hospitality of a charming little town.
This Gatlinburg hotel is a great choice for a visit to Gatlinburg or Pigeon Forge. Its central location and beautiful scenery make this an excellent area to spend a few days (or an entire week or more). And because the Mountain Loft Resort provides so many creature comforts and there are so many things to do on property - one could say that this Gatlinburg hotel is a vacation destination itself.
Breeding a Racing Pigeon
Where does the greatest influence come from when breeding a winning pigeon? Does it come from the sir or the dam? Some pigeon fanciers believe that the winning genes are passed from sir to Son directly, and there are a small amount of fanciers think the opposite and think the winning genes come from the dam. How do we decide? Some fanciers who fly the Widowhood system whereby they only race the cock Pigeons Loft and stay at home not being raced, proving that the widowhood fanciers believe the cock Pigeons carry the winning genes
from son to son. There are fanciers who like to race their hens in the long distance races, when looking at these race results it shows that the hens win more than their fair share of races so this does not support widowhood fanciers way of thinking.
When the cock pigeon and hen pigeon mate the cock and hen produce the same number of cells to produce a fledgling, these cells are called a chromosome, looking at a chromosome under a microscope looks like a small rod these rods carry a number of genes from both the cock and hen. The cock supplies 31 of these cells to its sperm, the hen produces 31 cells to her egg when these two sets of cells unite, 62 cell start to grow and produce a hatching fledgling. There are rare occasions when the hen only produces 30 cells the cell that is not produced is always the sex gene and when this happens the egg hatches and the new fledgling carries the sex genes of the cock pigeon nothing from the hen.
A very important point about sex in Pigeons is that the cock and the hen produce a sex gene via sperm and egg, the fledgling that grows inside the egg with the same amount of cells from the cock and hen will always be a Cock Pigeon. When the hen fails to produce a sex gene or cell, the fledgling will be a Hen pigeon. The term we use for this is sex linkage, all of this information can help us a lot when it comes to breeding and paring up the cock and hen.
Now taking all of this in formation into consideration this must show the sex factors of the sire do not descend in a straight line to the son in fact it would go in a criss-cross direction from sire to daughter then back to grand-children. We now know why in some instances the grandchildren of our best winners surpass their sons in greatness.
Introduction to Pigeon Racing
Pigeons Loft (home). After awhile they will fly out, sometimes for as much as two hours, then return to their lofts. Fanciers will begin taking them to different locales and releasing them to see how quickly they make it back to their home. This is the basic foundation of pigeon racing. The pigeon racing is a great family hobby to get involved with as well. Kids love pets and helping train these birds for competition can bring a new opportunity for bonding to a family.
We have only touched on the basics of pigeon racing here, but you can get more great information including advanced training tips, cool videos, and a guide to get your own Pigeon Racing business airborne.
Carbohydrates and Racing Pigeons
It's the time of year when we can light the stove in the evening again. That is the woodstove or the fireplace rather than the central heating system. Cozy, those dancing flames in the living room. In order the light the fireplace first I have to gather some kindling, kindling lights easily and burns quickly. Later we add bigger pieces of hardwood. Sometimes these big pieces of wood don't even fit in the stove. Reluctantly, I put on my coat to go outside and chop and cut these large pieces into smaller ones. When cut to the proper size the will fit into the stove.
Actually our bodies are a type of stove, which keeps us warm. The fire wood can be made up of carbohydrates, proteins, or fats. Above all, carbohydrates are fast acting fuels. They can be compared to the kindling we use to start the fireplace. Carbohydrates are sugars, which originate in large quantities in plants. They are produced during the process of photosynthesis. The bodies of humans or animals can only burn monosacharides. These occur in glucose (grape sugar), fructose (fruit sugar), ribose (sugar made up of 5 carbon atoms) and galactose (made up of glucose and part lactose).
Besides warmth these sugars also provide nourishment for the brain. Without this glucose syrup our beloved Pigeons Loft with three sections. Section 1was fed a normal breeding mix. Section 2 was fed 80% corn and 20% breeding mix. Section 3 was fed 80% peeled rice and peeled barley (pearl barley) + 20% breeding mix. The birds were all exercised together. The Pigeons Loft. The corn Pigeons fly much higher and the "rice and pearl barley" looked like dots in the sky. There were three layers of Pigeons flying at different heights. After half an hour to 45 minutes the "corn" pigeons were flying the highest.
When we switched the breeding mix section over to the "corn mix", we saw that after a few days they were the ones flying the highest after 45 minutes. We kept rotating the feed mixes between sections. The results were always as we have written above. From this we can conclude the following that the energy (fuel) provided by corn becomes available later then the energy out of white rice and peeled barley and that corn apparently is made up of more types of polysaccharides then white rice. Perhaps this explains, why pigeons that are to be sent to longer races, usually have extra corn added to their diets.
All these forms of sugar together are called glycogen. When energy is used in the stove the wood turns black and what is left over is called ash. When the bird uses energy the same type of process takes place. It is called phosphorylyse. The enzyme that catalyzes the phosphorylyse process breaks the Alfa - 1, 4 linkages down. These are the "Kindling" carbohydrates. For this process vitamin B6 is necessary. Glycogen is found in the liver and muscles.
During the races
During heavy exertion humans use up 60% carbohydrates, pigeons are different. The liver produces glycogen in order to keep the body warm. If we feed more glucose and glycogen then the daily needs of the pigeon, then the liver also can manufacture fatty acids from them. The blood transports these fatty acids to the red muscle fibers. A portion of the glycogen is transported by the blood to the white muscle fibers. A pigeon has approximately 15% white muscle fiber and 85% red muscle fiber. That is much more than a chicken that has practically all white muscle fiber. We can find many red muscle fibers in the breast of the pigeon.
If we make sure that just before the contest proportionally a high percentage of glucose is found in the glycogen then the fuel will burn faster. Also the liver will produce more fatty acids. This is the result of a makes sense.
Actually it only provides a small advantage on short races. After 10 minutes the fuel in the white muscle fiber in the breast is used up. The fuel stored in the white muscle fiber (glycogen) is used by the pigeon to reach flying height and speed. After this it uses the fast sugars "kindling" (Alfa- 1, 4 linkages) stored in the blood and liver are used. When the glucose is depleted then the enzymes process the Disaccharides and finally, the Polysaccharides are split and turned into monosacharides.
When "fast sugars" are all used up then the fatty acids that were built up by the excess sugars in the feed, which the liver turned into fatty acids become the fuel supply. Some of these are still present in the blood. They were on way to the red muscle fibers but had not yet been stored there. These will be used first.
After a short period of time the fatty acids stored in the red muscle fibers come into play. After 40 to 60 minutes of flying the pigeon is using the fatty acids stored in the red muscle fibers exclusively. Fats have the advantage of leaving little waste in the blood stream after being burned as fuel, although they burn slower than glycogen. The pigeon can fly fastest (wing beats per minute) on glycogen, but the fatty acids deliver more energy. Fats are 9.2 kilocalories per kilogram whereas carbohydrates are 4.0 kilocalories per kilogram.
The wood box
When the pigeon is using fats as its fuel and a bird of prey comes along then the pigeon will use any available glycogen (Alfa 1, 6 linkages) in order to quickly get away. These are what we could call "kindling" in the wood box. It is ready for use whenever we quickly need to light the stove again.
After the race
The pigeon uses firstly glucose and glycogen (the Alfa 1, 4 linkage), after that the fats. When the bird has used all its fatty acids then it will use any remaining glycogen (the Alfa 1, 6 linkages). When these are depleted then the pigeon will begin to use it "character". That is, it starts to use its own body; it burns its own muscles, the protein. There are many pigeons with little character. These will go down to rest and look for water and food. If they still come home it will be much too late. The "character birds" keep going. Burning protein or muscle is paired with muscle cramps and is very unpleasant for the pigeon. A pigeon that goes through this often will need weeks to recuperate.
Feeding carbohydrate rich food after a race is very important. The pigeon having used all its glycogen has a need to rapidly relight its stove
Romantic Honeymoons Including Honeymoon Beach and Turtle Island
Just like the perfect dress, all brides dream of the most romantic honeymoons: is a honeymoon cruise the most romantic honeymoon? Or is a Hawaii honeymoon perfect for your post-nuptials? To help choose the most honeymoon romance for you here's some more of the world's best honeymoon ideas to really get you dreaming.
Let's start with romantic honeymooners classics: Paris with its graceful boulevards and cozy cafes is the city of love, Venice, its rival to the world's affections with its gondolas and air of mystery, while Sorrento and Positano promise sun drenched and bronzed romantic honeymoons, and have a contagious carefree attitude that encourages seaside frolicking and wind-in-your-hair scooter rides for two. Nothing could be more 'right' than romantic honeymooning on Honeymoon Beach, supposedly the most secluded beach in the Seychelles and on a private island resort. Or how about Turtle Island in the South Pacific, one of the most romantic retreats available in the world today as it was where the 'Blue Lagoon' movies were made.
If the lead up to the wedding has meant you've hardly had a moment alone then the most romantic honeymoon idea is a hideaway love nest for two. Le Pigeonnier in the south of France is a literal romantic honeymoon love nest, an 18th Century pigeon loft that's been converted into the perfect cheap honeymoon idea just for two. Similarly secluded, The Windmill on Santorini has the luxury of a private jacuzzi and massage pool a few hundred meters from a sandy beach, all wrapped in whitewashed windmill shaped charm. And you'll see your in-laws coming from miles off from the roof terrace of La Tour de Calanca, a 15th Century tower with views over the bright blue Corsican coast -- so no one will be able to spoil the romance on your honeymoon! Villa Bournella on Corfu has almost legendary romantic honeymooner status at the moment; it's prefect for newly weds, of course the bed has a romantic honeymoon style canopy, the pool is infinity style and the jacuzzi is more a romantic honeymoon spa bath.
If your intended is a real princess then maybe the most romantic honeymoon imaginable would be in a castle hotel like Amberley Castle, once belonging to Elizabeth I, with its own portcullis, battlements and moat, or five hundred year old Thornbury Castle, where you can sleep in the boudoir of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, is yet another memorable way to celebrate your nuptials and find a cheap, romantic honeymoon deal.
But if your honeymoon intended needs more of a visual prompt, Pink Sands Beach is literally pink and soft, Praslin in the Seychelles is known for both its remoteness and its suggestively shaped double coconuts, and is an idea romantic honeymoon island resort, and Halong Bay with its tiny beaches and knife like islands has a love poem carved in vast letters into one of its cliffs.
Blue Green Holidays Clubs - The Timeshare Way To Enjoy Your Vacation
Over the years, numerous buyers are saving in Blue Green Holiday Clubs to relish a much wanted holiday away from the common environment of working in today's fast paced world. But Blue green time shares have become the hottest commodity in the industry of travel.
But different from most ownership of vacation, you can only buy blue green share in a Blue Green holiday Club timeshare resort only. You can't just buy it in all resorts. With many blue green period share resorts around, their availability is the concern. You can have more of experiences in vacation.
Stretching on the beach, golf experience, or any kind of vacation activity, blue green resorts will be waiting to service you. The most popular destinations more space for the family. There are many inside blue green timeshare which gives blue green timeshare which is flexible depending on your own vacation points.
The blue green timeshare allows you to visit beautiful blue green resorts in the Caribbean islet, and make you keep coming back each year or you may select to pass the same week on another blue green hangout. Vacations given by blue green timeshare relieves the stress brought by your urban living and schedule.
With the blue green timeshare, enjoy every year tussle free holiday planning and to spend a stay at the blue green resort with its own high service standards, comfort , ambiance and amenities. Blue green timeshare as flexible like other timeshares, you will be allowed to select the unit size as well and also where, when and how long is your travel.
Blue green timeshare hangout accessibility
At that place are around two score blue green holiday clubs or hangouts gettable on your tilt of options.
Blue green timeshare resorts
In the U.S. Lone, there are a lot of blue green resorts ready. Present is a tilt to suffice as your pathfinder:
Big Cedar wild lodge in Ridgedale
Bluegreen holiday Club on Boca Raton
Bluegreen highland Loft hangout in Gatlinburg
Bluegreen Shenandoah crossover in
Casa Del Mar on Ormon Beach
Christmas Day highland Village in WI
Dolphin Beach
Descents Village hangout in Branson
Fantasy Island hangout in Daytona
Grande Ville at worldwide Golf Ville in Saint Augustine
Gulfstream manor house in Delray Beach
Harbor illumines in Vinca minor Beach
Turning point Holiday Beach hangout in Panamanian capital
Stan Laurel Crest hangout in Pigeon form
Leisure time track by Bluegreen in Boca Raton
Lodge alleyway Inn in capital of West Virginia
Jack Boathouse and Beach hangout in garrison Myers Beach
Highland Run at Boyne in battle of Boyne descends
Sea Towers Beach Club in Panamanian capital
Orlando's fair weather hangout in Orlando
Orlando's fair weather hangout 2 in Orlando
Outrigger Beach society in Ormond Beach
Panama Resort and Club in Panamanian capital
Paradise islet hangout in Gulf lands
Petit peak Villas at huge Canoe in huge Canoe
Participants Club Hilton Head in Hilton Island
Pono Kai of Kapaa
Hangout sixty-six in Holmes
Shoring peak in magnetic north Myrtle Beach
Shore Crest 2 in North Vinca minor Beach
Shoreline pillars in Gulf shoring
Solara Surfside at Surfside
Surf rider Beach society in Sanibel Island
Jets in Orlando
The hummocks at Marathon at Hershey
Equatorial grits hangout in garrison Myers Beach
Thru Eternal City Beach Resort in Bradenton
And upwind passageway hangout in garrison Myers Beach
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Whether it's for holiday upon a highland or the beach, applying your blue green timeshare, holidaying in the lead category hangout of your option is barely a call and reservation is just a call away.
Simple Methods for Training Racing Pigeons
Training racing Pigeons Loft. This will ensure make them to return to the loft for food and water. This can be followed for the first two to three weeks. Now, you can open the fly pen and let the Pigeons Loft for food and water.
You can start training Pigeons Loft themselves. When you ensure they return to the loft couple of times, increase the distance gradually up to 30, 40 or 50 miles. This is the simplest method to train the pigeon racing pigeon racing Pigeons as it can affect their health. It is wise to start the training the younger ones by taking them out for 2 miles in the beginning and gradually increasing it to 5, 10, 12, 15 and 20 finally. By then, they would have developed good speed and better returning features.
An important features and benefits in training racing Pigeons together is that, you will be able to give them vaccination and can be weaned at the same age. The best time to train them is before 9 AM. Try to vary the training schedules and distances. You should have separate training schedules for birds that fly 20 miles in 2 hours and others that cannot fly better than that. Make sure you feed the birds regularly unlimited until mid afternoon before it's pulled.
Training racing Pigeons is very interesting, especially if you love your pigeons. With proper training and care, pigeons will be able to fly more than 90 miles in an hour with an average speed of 60+ in an hour. Apart from the training, good supplement should be fed in time. For better results, feed natural ingredient and avoid artificial ingredient supplements.
Raising Homing Pigeons - Three Tips For Breeding Pigeons
Have you been racing Pigeons Lofts use to raise Pigeons Loft. It should be clean and dry with good ventilation and plenty of sunlight. It should also be vermin proof to keep out rats and mice. Three quarters of winning is good health.
2) Cull heavily. When culling your loft, remember, racing Pigeons Loft full of bad ones.
3) Let races determine which birds to keep and which to cull. It is a pretty amazing pigeon racing pigeon books that will help you turn your loft around if you take their advice.
Llancaiach Fawr Manor - A Journey Through Time to Peruse Thomas Pritchard's Background
Thomas Pritchard arrived at Jamestown in 1620 on the ship "Abigail." Virginia records indicate that Thomas was one of twelve carpenters recruited by the London Company to erect shelters for the settlers colonizing this part of the New World. Once his services were completed, he focused on the rigorous task of establishing himself in a verdant land fraught with unknown dangers and physical challenges.
Each generation moved several miles forward through the Northern Neck, from Gloucester, Richmond, Westmoreland, King George, and Stafford Counties until 1741 when Thomas's great-grandson Christopher received a large Lord Fairfax grant in the wilderness of Northern Virginia's Prince William County, a portion that eventually fell under Loudoun County jurisdiction.
Five generations of Pritchards had called Virginia home when another Thomas married Rachel Davis, whose family was newly arrived in Loudoun County from Cardigan, Wales. Was he able to share his family's stories of a common heritage, or had memories of the Welsh homeland already faded?
Certainly by the time descendants of the immigrant Thomas began recording the family history, overseas connections had been severed and key details were lost. The few clues confirming his relationship to a specific family in Wales would not be uncovered until the 21st century and the advent of the Internet.
Utilizing Welsh court records now available on line and on CDs, reserchers have narrowed the lineage of Thomas Pritchard of Jamestown to one of two prominent families sharing a common ancestry from Lewis ap Richard Gwyn. Following the typical 16th century naming pattern, Lewis's name identifies him as the son of Richard and grandson of Gwyn. When the Welsh adopted the English usage of surnames, ap (son of) Richard evolved into Prichard and/or Pritchard.
Both Prichard families lived in what was then Glamorganshire, South Wales, one at Llancaiach Fawr Manor near Caerphilly, the other about ten miles east at Llanover.
Llancaiach Fawr Manor was established by David Prichard, great-great grandson of Lewis ap Richard Gwyn. David had three sons: Edward, William, and Thomas, the youngest. David's cousin, Edward Prichard of Llanover, inherited a large plot of land in what is today Newport, a city several miles east of Cardiff. He, too, had a third and youngest son named Thomas. Which Thomas Prichard sought his fortune in Virginia?
Traditionally, the eldest son inherited the family property, the second entered the military, and the third entered the clergy or learned a trade. Documents show that Thomas, son of David, is the "Glamorganshire gentleman who studied at Gloucester Hall in Oxford, graduating with a B.A. in May of 1599." In 1620, that Thomas would have been in his 40s's, rather old to begin life anew in Virginia. Instead, he became a clergyman. He later was appointed as rector of Michaelston in Glamorgan in 1617, the Archdeacon of Llandaff in 1626, and a canon of Hereford in 1636.
This leaves Thomas, youngest son of Edward, as the sole candidate for the Virginia Company. This theory is supported by the fact that Edward was a landlord. By helping his father build and refurbish homes for his tenants, Thomas would have had ample opportunity to practice and perfect carpentry and masonry skills before joining the London Company and sailing to Virginia.
Time and modern development have altered the Newport landscape. Land that once belonged to Edward Prichard of Llanover has been parceled off to make way for homes and industries. Llancaiach Fawr Manor, however, estate of his cousin David, is nestled in the same picturesque rural setting it enjoyed five hundred years ago. In 1990, the Caerphilly County Borough Council restored it to its original grandeur. It is very likely that Thomas, destined to seek his fortune in Virginia, was a guest there upon occasion.
As in many families, given names are repeated in both Prichard lines from generation to generation. Thomas, Edward, William and David are found frequently. At the time Thomas, son of Edward of Llanover, was learning the trade of carpentry, his cousin Edward, eldest son of David of Llancaiach, was learning to manage his father's estate. David died in 1630, willing his manor to his son Edward. Because Thomas of Llanover was not in line to inherit property upon his father's death, it is not surprising that he sailed to Virginia in 1620 to seek his own fortune.
While Thomas was buying and selling Northern Neck acreage, Edward Prichard was torn between his Puritan faith and loyalty to the crown. When the Civil War erupted in 1642, Edward pledged his support to Charles Stuart, King Charles I, and was promptly appointed as Commissioner of Array. This gave him the responsibility of raising money for the king and authorized him to seize the land of known Parliamentarians. For his allegiance to the King, he was given the title of Colonel.
Three years later, Colonel Edward Prichard thought better of the situation and switched his support from Charles Stuart to the powerful Oliver Cromwell. For this change of heart, he was immediately made Governor of Cardiff Castle and was named a member of both the Glamorgan Parliamentary Committee and the Commission for the Propagation of the Gospel. In 1646, he successfully defended Cardiff Castle when it was besieged by Royalists and played a significant role at the Battle of St. Fagans. Colonel Edward Prichard died in 1655 with no direct heir, thereby ending family ownership of Llancaiach Fawr Manor.
Today, after considerable archaeological excavation and restoration, Llancaiach Fawr Manor is a museum and education center, a popular destination during weekdays for teachers and their students investigating life in the 16th and 17th centuries. Each weekend is devoted to cultural events. The busy schedule includes music concerts, open air theatre, dance programs, horticulture events, apple and cider fairs, Christmas wassail parties, architectural tours, and animal shows. Easily accessible by railroad, bus, and major highways, it is located near the village of Nelson, about five miles north of Caerphilly Castle where knights joust daily and the ghostly "Brown Lady" walks by night.
Visitors to the Llancaiach Fawr Manor house enter a time capsule and travel back to 1640. Upon entering, they present a certificate of identification to the Steward, the most important servant. This position was reserved for an educated man with a knowledge of law. Once guests have gained the Steward's approval, they are guided around the property by servants (local people playing roles), who speak both Welsh and English. During Edward's lifetime, his many servants would have spoken Welsh, but some in higher status positions, such as the housekeeper, the agent, and the valet, would have been fluent in English, as well. These positions were passed down from father to son and mother to daughter. The lesser posts, outside workers, would be hired on the annual Labor Day.
Today's "servants" speak in the dialect of the times, referring in awe to the "New World" and professing no knowledge of Great Britain outside their narrow experience and "tidings from London." In the kitchen, they explain the food preparation and local sources of the meat and fish. Outdoors, they lead visitors through the orchards and various gardens where fruit, herbs, and vegetables were - and still are - grown. They chat about their daily routines, the numerous games and forms of entertainment enjoyed by both family and servants, and the on-going political strife.
The three-story manor house and the stables are constructed of stone with slate roofs. The main entry off the porch is on the lowest story, which also accommodates the kitchen, storage rooms, wine cellar, laundry, still room, and servants' hall. Stairs from the entry lead up to the Great Hall. It was used as the formal dining area (King Charles I dined here on August 5, 1645), as a courtroom for the trying of minor cases, and as a dance hall.
Adjacent to the Great Hall is the Steward's room, where he managed the entire manor and its finances. Beyond are an oak-paneled parlor, the master's bed chamber, the south bed chamber, the guest bed chamber, and Colonel Prichard's study.
The study, its two walls of bookcases filled with publications of the times, is unique for the pigeon loft that once served as a source of fresh meat; most landowners housed their Pigeons in cotes. While there are glass windows throughout the house, the study boasts one that opens to let in fresh air, a rarity at that time in history.
The privy closet, or toilet, off each of the bed chambers is a luxury only the gentry enjoyed. Overnight guests arrived with at least one servant who slept adjacent to them on a truckle bed mounted on wheels and stored under the guest bed when not in use. The third floor attic provided sleeping quarters for the servants and additional storage areas.
Outdoors, one admires the walled formal gardens planted as they would have been in the early 17th century. A boxwood maze in its infancy features geometric patterns made from the combination of the hedges and colored gravel. Beyond the gardens and lawn - once kept neat by many workers cutting with hand shears - are a barn and stables sufficiently ample to house many horses and carriages. The farm fields stretching behind the outbuildings back up to the main road that today is paved. Sheep graze on the adjacent rolling hills. The more distant hills are topped by deciduous trees that turn glorious colors in the autumn.
The Visitor Center next to the manor house has an exhibition area, a formal restaurant, catering facilities, gift shop, classrooms, and an archaeological laboratory. The opening of the manor to the public about ten years ago was preceded by extensive archaeological research that is still underway. China shards, coins, toys, early hearths, glass, and folk objects to discourage witches are regularly uncovered.
Fear of witches is not surprising. Among the family's books are many dealing with the supernatural. The servants emphasize that Llancaiach Fawr is one of the prime haunted houses in Wales. Phantom children can frequently be seen and heard playing on the stairs. There is a spectral figure of a woman - perhaps one of the numerous wives who died young during childbirth - in a flowing white gown, and a male figure wearing a cloak and a tall hat who often strolls between the house and the stable. Because the servant guides are all in costume, he is sometimes thought to be one of them. Only when he is approached does he disappear into thin air, an ephemeral memory of the long, long ago.
Racing Pigeons - Old Birds, Coccidiosis and Canker
During this time of year in the pigeon racing sport, my focus turns to old birds, especially to their healthcare and to their motivation for racing.
Coccidiosis and canker germs are big, significant health threats that our racing Pigeons Loft and advise you not to overlook your old pigeon racing Pigeons with respiratory antibiotics.
I would like to share with you a product that I get great results from for my breeding pairs and squeakers: Calcium/Vitamin D3 Syrup from the Australian Pigeon Company. It works particularly well when administered along with Pigeon Power. it helps with the overall strength of both the parents and the young. I mix this calcium supplement and Pigeon Power into water at the same time according to directions and give it to my breeders and to the babies they are raising. This is a great thing to do for your racing Pigeons.
A Couple Of Things You Ought to Actually Know About Racing Pigeons
What does it take to grow sturdy and capable racing Pigeons Loft, ensure that there is no such thing as a damp area which might change into the breeding place of fungus and bacteria, give your Pigeons Loft. This would be the place which your Pigeons Lofts that are too big and will be too expensive to purchase. While others are small and some are even simply made of scrap materials. For some folks, the loft generally is a small wooden box that is about the dimension of an orange crate.
Take notice that we're not debating on the size or the price of the loft. It is whether or not you feel it is good for your Pigeons Lofts you prefer. A factor to weigh is whether or not it is clean and dry and is safe from any possible predators.
The water, meals, and grit. If the pigeon racing pigeon racing Pigeons is indeed one thing to be engaged with. If you are really into this, you'll be able to learn all of these basics.
Avoid Respiratory Infection For Top Performance
Respiratory disease and infections will hinder your racing Pigeons Loft flying Eye and nostril discharge Sneezing Swollen cere and sinus
Panting will not always mean there is illness but if it is a lower temperature, and you just did a short toss, that may be a sign of illness if they are panting after. Panting can occur when the temperature is high to rid of excess heat, be aware of that as well. Be sure to understand the difference between panting of unfit pigeon racing pigeon racing pigeon will not be able to fly much, if at all. This is because oxygen will not be delivered to other parts of the body as needed, causing other organs and systems to work harder, and eventually make the whole body tired. Muscle cramping will happen, which will not allow the pigeon to fly. Your racing pigeon will have no energy to do much of anything, so do not attempt any training.
You must feed your Pigeons plenty of water to flush out the infections, try and make sure they eat as well to boost their energy and give their body some nutrients. If water is given, and the pigeon is able to rest, the illness won't last too long. But in racing season, it may take a while for the pigeon to regain full strength to race at a top performance level, so action must be taken quickly to avoid missing any races.
Get Rid of Pigeons
Pigeons Lofts should also be covered to prevent pigeon nesting.
When Pigeons are hanging around at the edge of your roof, a relatively easy trick to deter them is to run a line of wire a few inches above the edge, as this will prevent them from landing. Unfortunately, running wire over roof edges can be difficult as there is nothing to which you can secure the wire. Chicken wire, or even barbed wire, can serve as an excellent alternative as it can usually be installed with ease.
Unfortunately, Pigeons are first and foremost drawn to food sources. If you have fruit trees or other natural sources of food on your property, it can be very difficult to get rid of these Pigeons. Therefore, you may have no other option than to seek professional advice. Indeed, it can be very difficult to permanently solve a pigeon problem, and professionals have more tools at their disposal when it comes to addressing bird infestations. If you cannot easily remove Pigeons from your property, it is likely time to contact a professional pest control service.
Use Caution To Prevent Fear Of Gun Fire In Your Hunting Dog
Many people accidentally create fear of gun fire in their hunting dogs by rushing their dog into exposure before they are ready. I have heard many horror stories of people who assume a puppy should be genetically programmed to like gun fire. They will shoot a shot gun over their puppy and then are surprised and disappointed when the pup startles and develops fear.
Introducing your dog to gun fire should come only after you have developed a great excitement and desire for a retrieve. Use a helper to throw marks for your dog out in a mowed field. Have them get your dog's attention with their movements and their voice at first. I always use a high and excited voice to yell "Hey, Hey Pup!" as I am twirling a training bumper around and waving my arms.
When the dog's handler calls for me to throw the bumper, I watch the dog carefully even as I am continuing with my movements and voice to make sure he is going to see the object go up in the air and then fall. The handler should restrain the dog until the bumper is high in the air at the top of the arc of the throw. Release the dog while saying his name in an excited way.
After a few days or weeks of creating excitement in the puppy or dog for the retrieve, I begin to not only use voice, but add in a duck call after the voice in getting the dog to look out at me for the retrieve. After a session or two with the duck call, I go to a field near a freeway. The noise of the freeway will mute the sound of the starter pistol I am going to use to introduce gun fire to the dog. Now I use voice to get the dog's attention and substitute the pop of the starter pistol for the duck call. I make sure that I am at least 50 yards away from the dog when I shoot the pistol.
After I have introduced the noise of the starter pistol near the freeway, I will move to a quieter field where the noise of the pistol will be more pronounced. After that is going well, I will introduce a much louder sound of a shotgun at a distance.
To introduce the dog to being shot over, I will plant some shackled birds in a field. When the dog finds a bird, it will fly up a few feet but the weight of the shackles will bring it down again. (Trained homing Pigeons Loft as well.) When the dog thrills to the bird flying up, I shoot a starter pistol so that he begins to associate a loud noise with birds flushing.
Finally, I will plant birds and shoot a shotgun over the dog. By taking it step by step and developing the dog slowly and surely, my dog will not only not be fearful, but actually be excited about the sound of gun fire.
Sickness in Racing Pigeons
One of the things I was told early on in my racing pigeon career was that prevention is better than cure, particularly when it comes to sickness in young birds.
Treating young birds once they have an illness is quite difficult because you have to make sure the disease doesn't spread and to do that you either have to quarantine those that are ill or treat the whole team because it is difficult to know which Pigeons Loft
- Keep the loft clean and dry
-Avoid stress on the Pigeons
And do all the other good things with the food and water and hopefully you'll have a sickness free year but one other thing to try which i have now done for the past 5 years is to treat the water when all of the first round youngsters are out of the nest.
Repeat the process when the second round youngsters join the initial batch as well. There are many products to use to treat them with so make sure you understand what it is you are trying to prevent, but don't wait until the problem happens.
I don't know whether i have just been lucky in the past 5 years because prior to my preventative strategy my young birds always seemed to contract one sort of illness or another, but since I started with the idea of early treating of the water, I have had no problems and my success rate with the young birds has increased dramatically.
Just a Little Story of How These Little Birds Have Such a Desire to Be Home
My son John always was interested in Pigeons Loft with an outside run so the birds could have a small area outside so they could see the sky.
Of course human nature took it's course and the two pairs have had some beautiful babies. Naturally, he let these babies out of the pigeon racing.
I am sure you can understand the joy we felt, when, outside the pigeon racing, we all enjoy these moments.
Good fortune to all and great pigeon racing for the upcoming season
John Morton Vancouver British Columbia.