Pigeon Nest Boxes - Simple Tips To Give Your Birds A Box They Will Love
Pigeon Nest Boxes - Simple Tips To Give Your Birds A Box They Will Love
Pigeon nest boxes have come about as a replica of how our Pigeons Loft.

However, if you want to make each of the pigeon nest boxes a separate unit, then you have the added advantage that they can be easily removed for cleaning and fumigation. Also, if you're tight on space, you can remove them and give your birds more room when they're not breeding.
Each of the pigeon nest boxes must be fitted with a suitable front that allows the birds some privacy, as well as allowing you get prevent other birds from entering and interfering with the pairing or the young birds.
It is recommended that you provide a small shelf, about seven or eight inches from the floor of the box, on which to place the nest bowl itself. This gives extra protection to the youngsters when they first leave the nest.
The number of nests in the loft depends on how many Pigeons Loft. It's best to return them to their nest box by hand each night for a week to ten days afterward, to be certain that they are well established. Allowing Pigeons to select their own boxes usually results in a great many fights, broken eggs, and injured youngsters.
Above all, pigeon nest boxes should be comfortable for your Pigeons, as the happier they are in them, the happier they will be to lay!
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