Sickness in Racing Pigeons
One of the things I was told early on in my racing pigeon career was that prevention is better than cure, particularly when it comes to sickness in young birds.
Treating young birds once they have an illness is quite difficult because you have to make sure the disease doesn't spread and to do that you either have to quarantine those that are ill or treat the whole team because it is difficult to know which Pigeons Loft
- Keep the loft clean and dry
-Avoid stress on the Pigeons
And do all the other good things with the food and water and hopefully you'll have a sickness free year but one other thing to try which i have now done for the past 5 years is to treat the water when all of the first round youngsters are out of the nest.
Repeat the process when the second round youngsters join the initial batch as well. There are many products to use to treat them with so make sure you understand what it is you are trying to prevent, but don't wait until the problem happens.
I don't know whether i have just been lucky in the past 5 years because prior to my preventative strategy my young birds always seemed to contract one sort of illness or another, but since I started with the idea of early treating of the water, I have had no problems and my success rate with the young birds has increased dramatically.
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