Sunday, 2 September 2012

Avoid Respiratory Infection For Top Performance

Respiratory disease and infections will hinder your racing Pigeons Loft flying Eye and nostril discharge Sneezing Swollen cere and sinus

Panting will not always mean there is illness but if it is a lower temperature, and you just did a short toss, that may be a sign of illness if they are panting after. Panting can occur when the temperature is high to rid of excess heat, be aware of that as well. Be sure to understand the difference between panting of unfit pigeon racing pigeon racing pigeon will not be able to fly much, if at all. This is because oxygen will not be delivered to other parts of the body as needed, causing other organs and systems to work harder, and eventually make the whole body tired. Muscle cramping will happen, which will not allow the pigeon to fly. Your racing pigeon will have no energy to do much of anything, so do not attempt any training.

You must feed your Pigeons plenty of water to flush out the infections, try and make sure they eat as well to boost their energy and give their body some nutrients. If water is given, and the pigeon is able to rest, the illness won't last too long. But in racing season, it may take a while for the pigeon to regain full strength to race at a top performance level, so action must be taken quickly to avoid missing any races.