How to Race Pigeons - The First Training Toss
If any of your birds are still unhappy with the baskets or seem unhealthy then do not risk flying them. It is better to be sure that your Pigeons Loft, just to get them used to being basketed and released. From here they can start to be trained further afield. Their first proper training release should be done at around 5km from the loft and should go as follows:
It should take place mid morning to give them plenty of time to return home before nightfall. Fed half their normal rations and given no morning exercise. By limiting the amount of food they eat you will increase their desire to get home. Weather should be clear with a light wind and minimal cloud cover. At the liberation point remove the basket from your car and put it on the floor. Leave it for around fifteen minutes to let your Pigeons Loft the racing Pigeons Loft in good time; at this point increase the liberation distance by 10km. When they are returning in good time from this new distance then add another 10km and so on and so forth. When the racing pigeon racing Pigeons to fly in the sun. If they are going to meet all sorts of weather in a race situation then I feel they should have at least seen something similar to it before when training!
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